Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Supermarket Savings 101

Hey everyone,
For anyone not receiving emails from me, this is something I'm going to be working through! Come join me if you'd like!

1 comment:

Jamie Butts said...

Hey Rebekah,

Hi friend! It's been awhile... your boys are growing so fast! When life slows down (ha), I hope to look at the e-mail you sent about saving money at the grocery store. We're trying for 40 or 50 a week now, due to a tight budget, but it's not too bad. I need tips though.
Oh, and can you have Mary e-mail me at work... jbutts@christianacademylou.org
I can't remember her e-mail and I miss her (and you) a lot. I want to call her soon, but nights seem to be crazy. E-mail may be easier until I catch a weekend to call.

Please give her my love.
Love you, sister,