Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Serving the Lord--Regarding our family

I've had a devotion book sitting on my shelf now for a couple years. Every now and again, I remember it and pick it up to see what entry it has for that particular day. Today was such a day. Interestingly enough, today's post was about instructing your family in righteousness. As I thumbed through the previous days, I realized there was a theme going, a series of devotions about leading our families to serve the Lord. I'd like to post them here over the next couple days. They include thoughts directed towards spouses and children, but my focus is especially on the references to children.

This is an area I've been thinking and praying over the last many weeks. The Lord has been dealing with me about my responsibility to train up my sons in the knowledge of His Word and keep before them their need for salvation. I've contemplated how exactly to go about that on my own, how to fit it into each day, and where to begin.

To pick up this book "by chance" today was anything but chance!! The Lord was reiterating what has become such a burden for me. As a mother, it is my main duty in caring for my children to direct their hearts, as young as they are, to the Lord Jesus Christ as the One and most blessed Friend of sinners and as the only Refuge for their souls. I hope that these devotions will be a help to you, as they were to me.

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