I had WAY too many items to take the time to break it all down specifically, but I will tell you that between three transactions, I only spent $1.17 out of pocket!!!!! Not to shabby! :)
Nearly everything I bought earned me more ECB's. I don't know that exacts of what I had when I started, but I ended the day with about $68 in ECB's for next week. I also have the following to add to my collection of household goods and goodies!
3- 100 oz Laundry Soap (Last week I paid, $9.99 for one of these at HEB. We found them for $3.50-$3.98 on sale!!! Great deal for me, especially since my ECB's paid for them!)
4 tubes of toothpaste(all ECB earners)
3 Feminine Wash(ECB earners)
1 2-pk CVS bar soap(ECB earner)
2 bags of holiday peanut M&Ms(ECB earners)
3 boxes Hershey's dark chocolate(ECB earners)
Excedrin PM (on sale, don't remember if it earned ECB's)
Advil PM (ECB earner)
Softsoap Body Wash(ECB earner)
Johnson's Softlotion(ECB earner)
Enviga Sparkling Green Tea(ECB earner)
2 Sunmaid Raisin(Good deal on sale and MFC)
Neutrogena Lip Moisturizer(A favorite product that I haven't been able to find at Wal-mart. Paid for it with ECB's, so it was GOOD price!)
Candy Canes(Just because my hubby wanted them!)
Nova Max Blood Glucose Monitor(On sale, used $50 coupon and earned $20 ECB!!! GREAT DEAL!! FREE out of pocket.)
All I can say about CVS is I LOVE IT!!!! It has been wonderful to be able to stockpile without using up all my grocery money before getting other necessities. My husband is having as much fun as I am seeing all that I'm getting for so little money. It's nice to be able to share this with my mom too. I'm hoping that I can start to shop with some of my other friends as well. I want to share this with everyone!!! :)
I must say you did GOOD!
And you did it without my help!!!!!!!!
Yes, I did it all on my own! I'm learning! YAY!!!
Hi Rebekah, I came to your blog after I read your comment on my blog. It is very nice to meet you.
I would so like to do the CVS deals. I have been reading the deals and go my CVS card but the nearest one to me is 50 miles away.
These deals are so wonderful that I hope to do some soon.
Thanks for the inspiration!
Good Job!! I'm impressed. I went back today and got a few items from this weeks ad. I spent nothing and walked away with $15.00 worth of product and have $19.00 in ECB's to keep on using. It sounds like you've gotten the hang of it. I feel like I still have a ways to go, but I'm excited about the possibilities! :)
Hello! I just 'happened' on here (via Nichole's page), and saw in this post that you visited Abilene...too neat to actually see someone in bloggetyville in my city! Thought I'd say G'day while I was here! You did so much better at CVS...I'm still learning the ropes! :)
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