Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Please pray!!!!

My friend Alarice is in the hospital this morning being induced. She came down with the flu and has been running fever. When she went to her OB yesterday to be checked out, he admitted her because her BP was too high and the baby's heartbeat was also too high. She is just 37 weeks today. Please pray for her!! Labor is never easy, but the flu, little rest and being concerned for your child's well-being make it that much harder.

I did talk to her husband Dean this morning. Her BP and the baby's heartbeat are finally stabilized, and Alarice is resting a little thanks to an epidural. Pray that the Lord would give them both great peace and bring her and baby Lydia safely through this day.

1 comment:

sarahdodson said...

I hope and pray all goes well. Keep us posted.