Thursday, December 13, 2007

I'm still here!!

I MISS BLOGGING and my computer in general!!!
We are moved into our house, but the spare room where my computer will be set up is the holding area for boxes needing to be unpacked. Thus, my computer is still set up here at my parent's house. I'm really, really hoping to have it home with me by this weekend...we'll see!! Until then, any blogging and regular emails will be few and far between. *sigh* I'm not enjoying being disconnected from my friends.
Don't forget about me while I'm away!! :)


Anonymous said...

I have missed seeing you on line and your post.
Looking forward to next weekend.
Love ya

sarahdodson said...

I, too, have missed your posting, Rebekah. Come join us again soon:)

Jamie Butts said...

Shoot me an e-mail with your new address. Do you have Vivian's?
Love you!

Mrs. Nichole J. said...

missed you to!

Mrs. Nichole J. said...

Happy NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!