Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Brandon Update

There's not too much new going on around our place these days, but I thought I'd at least send out an update on how our Brandon is doing. Besides starting early at keeping mommy awake at night with his constant moving, he's growing like a weed!!! He's gaining around 14 oz. every two weeks. He's already 4lbs and 12 oz!!! We think he's going to be a big boy, bigger than his big brother at this rate!

I begin my twice per week monitoring next week. I'll be having sonograms and fetal monitoring each visit. Please remember me in prayer if you think of us. I'm already feeling tired most of the time these days, and the hour drive to get to the doctor is going to be difficult. Plus I have an active two year little boy to keep up with while strapped to a monitor! Fun times for sure, but exhausting for this pregnant mommy!

The doctors are still saying that May 3rd is the big day for this little guy to make his appearance!! That's five weeks away now. I'm getting a little nervous and a lot excited to get on with everything! I'm not exactly looking forward to the whole labor part of labor, but I am looking forward to meeting my little boy and bringing him home with us to start a new chapter in our lives. I know there's a lot of transition time in front of us, but I know it will all be a blessing in the end, even with the difficulties and sleepless nights!

Well, my Ryan is asking for something to eat, so I better go for now. Leave some comments if you have the time!!! I love hearing from everyone!


Grace said...

hey rebekah
just wanted to let you know that i'm so happy for you that you don't have too much longer. i really know how you feel with the being pregnant and a super energetic, high-maintenance little boy. sometimes i didn't think i could do it. but at the same time, it's so fun to have kids. how nice it is to have constant companionship. it's so worth it. can't wait to meet your little boy. thanks for keeping us updated.

sarahdodson said...

Well, Rebekah, we love hearing from YOU! So happy to hear that Brandon is growing so wonderfully and at such rapid rates!!! What a mercy.

You are indeed in my prayers. I pray the Lord gives you great grace and strength at this time in your life. What an exciting time!


Anonymous said...

I have time! Bring on the babies! I'm glad to read your blog--I've been waiting for a new entry.... Thanks for the good lunch--I ate half of it today. We sure have good cooks! I miss you! Love to all your men.